
The ethos of St. Joseph's is that of a Catholic School, where the partnership of the home, school and parish community is of paramount importance, with each playing their distinctive role to co-operate in the Religious Education and development of the children. Daily prayer and reflection form an integral part of life in every classroom, as Religious Education permeates all aspects of school life and reflects the values, attitudes, beliefs and practices of our Catholic faith. These, set in the context of a Rights’ Respecting School, form the basis of all the relationships in the school and beyond. It involves all members of our school community - children, parents, governors, staff, as well as other adults from outside agencies who contribute to the well being of each child.

It is the purpose of this school to provide an educational environment suited to all of the pupils entrusted to our care. We seek to promote a caring, supportive environment, where the teaching of rights, respect and responsibilities forms the basis of an atmosphere of trust and caring, where pupils can enjoy their learning within a secure and stimulating environment, so that each individual can achieve the highest level of spiritual, moral, cultural, intellectual, personal, physical and social development of which he/she is capable.