GALLERY 2017/18
Welcome to our Photo Gallery, where you can get a flavour of school life in St. Joseph's. We hope you enjoy viewing our pupils engaging in a variety of wonderful and exciting activities.
P6 attended the STEM Big Bang Fair 2018 @ UUJ on Tuesday 26 June. An amazing day had by all. Thanks to Mr Stewart from Our Lady of Lourdes for organising the day for us!
Mrs McAuley Retires
We say a fond farewell to Mrs Ann McAuley and wish her every success in her new career.
AR Assembly
Congratulations to all our prize winners at our AR Assembly. Keep up with the reading boys and girls over the summer.
Shared Education Programme
Primary Four children enjoyed their Shared Education Programme with The Model Primary School, Ballymoney.
North Antrim Champions 2018
Congratulations Boys!
Congratulations to our boys who won the Cumann na mBunscol All-County Hurling Final against Mary Queen of Peace which took place in Glenravel on Friday 18th June. We would like to thank Vincent Boyle for refereeing.
Prize-Giving Thursday 14th June 2018
Key Stage Two
Primary Seven Athletics Team
Thursday 7th June 2018
These Primary Seven Children represented our school in an Indoor Athletics Competition which was sponsored by Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council in partnership with Our Lady of Lourdes.
Well done boys and girls!
Sport's Day 2018
The children having fun and games and enjoying the lovely weather.
Primary Seven Retreat Day
Bushmills Residential Trip 2018
Primary Seven Bun Sale for Trocaire
Primary 7 ran a bun sale on 23rd March in aid of Trocaire. They had fun setting up and baking a selection of buns in school the day before. However, on the day, they made a huge impression with the delicious array of buns and cakes they had made at home! All the classes enjoyed coming to visit the cake sale and more importantly eating the cakes! The fantastic amount of £282 was raised. A big thank you to everyone who baked or supported us in any way.
Easter Raffle
Congratulations to all the winners from our Easter Raffle. Thank you for your continued support and generosity for our Lenten Campaign.
Kennedy's Pharmacy
Emma and Rachel from Kennedy's Pharmacy visited St. Joseph's and gave Primary 5-7 a presentation on the Dangers of Smoking. The children were then invited to design a poster for a competition with Kennedy's vouchers as prizes. Congratulations to Paudie and Amy whose posters were selected as the winners and their posters are on display in the shop!
To celebrate the feast of St. Brigid Primary Six and Seven made St. Brigid's Crosses with the help of Vincent, Kathleen, Marie and Anne.
Schools' Programme- Cancer Focus Northern Ireland
Genevieve from Cancer Focus visited P1 and P2 children to deliver a very important message about healthy eating and physical activity. Genevieve encouraged her friends to get healthy in order to win the Farmyard Olympics. P3 children became 'Fit Factor Superheroes' while p4 children became 'Food Detectives' when investigating the content of processed foods detecting their fat, sugar and salt content.
Arthur Cottage
Our Primary Three Pupils experienced what life was like 200 years ago when they visited Arthur Cottage in Cullybackey.
Dooey's Cairn
Primary 6 and 7 visited Dooey's Cairn as part of their topic work. Mrs McAlonan was our tour guide for the morning and the pupils really enjoyed getting to learn lots of very interesting facts about the cairn. They worked in groups, investigating and measuring the different parts of the cairn.
Handball at Our Lady of Lourdes
Darragh Daly coaching Handball with the children at Our Lady of Lourdes's new Handball Wall. We would like to thank Miss Gillan and staff for organising the day.
Dixon's Housing Competition
Our Primary 6 and 7 children entered a competition to name a social housing development which is currently being built by Dixon Contractors and is situated on the Station Road in Dunloy. Their entries were shortlisted by Clanmil Development and the architects Studio Rogers and then submitted to Causeway Coast and Glens Council for selection and approval.
The council chose the name "Orra View Drive" which had been proposed by Caolan in P7 who was presented with an Apple ipad on behalf of Dixon Contractors by their Contractors Manager Ciaran Richmond. The five runners up were awarded with generous gift vouchers from Smyth's Toy Shop by Studio Rogers architects.
The development is due for completion in February 2018 and we hope that as Caolan drives past he will be very proud of his achievement.
Carol Service 20th December 2017 We held our annual Carol Service in St. Joseph's Church on Wednesday 20th December. The children from P1-P7 sang a beautiful selection of carols while the P5 children presented the Pageant. We have very talented solo singers and instrumentalists who played a variety of instruments. A big thank you to Mrs Donnelly for leading the choir and to you all for attending the event. |
Christmas Dinner
The children enjoying their Christmas Lunch. A big thank you to the kitchen staff who cooked a beautiful meal for all the children and staff.
We would like to thank the PTA for organising the School Fair which was not only a very effective fundraising event but also a fun, festive day where children, parents and staff collectively celebrated being part of the St. Joseph's community.We would like to thank you all for your continued support and generosity and to everyone involved in making the fair such a huge success. Thank you |
School Choir
Our School Choir performed a selection of Christmas Carols at the Senior Citizen Luncheon Club on Tuesday 5th December.
Nursery Christmas Shows 2017 Friday 1st December A great way to kick off the festive activities here in St. Joseph's as both the morning and afternoon groups presented their wonderful shows. Well done boys and girls! |
BELFAST CHRISTMAS MARKET Tuesday 21st November 2017 Our Primary Seven children were thrilled to get the opportunity to visit the Christmas Market and take part in an Educational Tour which was funded by Market Place Europe. The children got to meet the traders, learn about all the different cultures being represented at the market and to try a variety of tasty foods. As you can see from the photos they even paid a visit to the City Hall. We would like to thank Mark, their tour guide for the day, who made their trip extra special. |
13th-17th November
We've had a very busy week here in St. Joseph's during Anti-Bullying Week. We had a poster competition and two winners were chosen from each class. We had an odd socks day on Friday which tied in with this year's theme 'All Different, All Equal' where the children got the chance to express being unique. Each child in the school decorated a sock picture which will be used for a wall display. Primary Two class performed their assembly where they retold the story of 'The Little Red Hen' which teaches us about working hard and helping others.
Congratulations to Ellie who received a medal in recognition of achieving a high score during the Manga High Challenge which took place during Maths Week. Well done Ellie.
Friday 27th October 2017
Well done to everyone for making such an effort for our Halloween sponsored Parade which raised £1501 for school funds.
Mrs McClean's Class created Halloween Safety Posters which delivered very important safety messages while Mrs McGrath's Class wrote Halloween Acrostic Poems to ensure that everyone stayed safe during the Halloween Holidays.
Well done boys and girls!
Acrostic Poems Safety Posters
A number of children in P7 have independently put together a drama group. These children should be commended as they constructively used their lunch time to practise their drama which they presented to the school before Halloween. Well done boys and girls!
16th - 20th October
During Maths Week all children took part in a variety of fun practical maths activities while Key Stage 2 children were involved in the Manga High Challenge.
EUROPEAN FOOD WEEK (25th-29th September) European Language Day was on the 26th September and to celebrate this the canteen held a European Food Event where the children enjoyed tasting a variety of food from various European Countries including Italy, Spain, France, Germany and Ireland. |
RADAR On Wednesday 20th September our Primary Seven children thoroughly enjoyed their trip to radar in Belfast which is Northern Ireland's first fully interactive, safety and life skills education centre. Radar has been designed to engage an inform young people on how best to keep themselves safe. |
Friday 22nd September
A sea of green and yellow here today in St. Josephs in support of the club as the Camogie, Minor and Senior Hurling Teams prepare for a big weekend. Thank you to Charlie Brogan and the musicians who sang their hit song "We're the Team". The children joined in and the atmosphere was fantastic.
Thank you to Maura(a very familiar face) and Anne who visited our school today. They are volunteers with the NSPCC and they delivered a programme called "Speak Out, Stay Safe". This is an interactive programme and with the help of their mascot "Buddy" it taught the children how to stay safe in a friendly memorable way.
As part of their 'Growing and Changing' topic P1/2 have been hatching chicks. The children watched as 12 eggs were put into an incubator. The temperature was set at 37.5 degrees and the humidity to 45 percent. The eggs were programmed to rotate every hour. On day 6 the eggs were scanned with a candler and the children were very excited to see some small veins. They were scanned again on day 12 and movement could be seen through the shells. On day 19 the eggs stopped turning and the temperature was reduced, the humidity increased and the children waited patiently on the arrival of the chicks.
By this time news travelled throughout the school about our eggs and we had frequent visitors to our classroom. On day 22 our first chick hatched and P1/2 were delighted to experience their arrival. Over the next few days 4 more chicks hatched. A very exciting time in Mrs McCarry's class!
Chick Naming Ceremony
St. Patrick's Day
Green Raffle
Congratulations to the children who won prizes at the Green Raffle.
Thank you for your continued support for our Lenten Collections.
Primary One children went to Portglenone Forest on Monday 3rd April. They had a great morning which was enhanced by their guides Ann and Clare.
Primary Seven were involved in a full day retreat with Saint Brigid's Cloughmills, This was hosted by Living Youth and was based around our preparation for confirmation. We had a wonderful day of prayer, meditation, songs, games and then to finish off Fr. Blaney said a special mass in the chapel.
St. Joseph's Primary School is doing their bit to help keep Dunloy school and community tidy.
The P4 children have signed up to litter pick around the school grounds and and the P7 pupils are extending their help to litter pick around the GAA grounds.
They had a very successful day on Tuesday 7th March and one of their favourite 'picks' was an umbrella!!
We are also delighted to say that some of the P7 pupils dedicated their own time to create fantastic posters to ask you all to 'please stop dropping litter'.
These posters are going to be placed around the school and GAA grounds within the next week or so along with other posters created during class. Well done to all involved and let's hope that they won't have much litter to collect in the near future.
The P.7s had a great day at Stormont on Friday 27th January which was enhanced greatly by their guide James who hosted a debate about school uniforms. Watch out for the up and coming Politicians.
Monday 30th January
Primary One and two enjoyed a lovely evening and were thoroughly excited coming to school in their P.J.s.
A great night was had by all and we hope you enjoyed a great send off Dolores.
21st-25th November
The KS1 and KS2 children are out in force clearing the raised flower beds and pots while the Foundation children planted onions and prepared the window boxes for future planting.
Thank you to the girls who came from the Dairy Council to talk to the P.6 and P.7 children about the importance of a healthy diet and regular exercise.
We were very busy during Road Safety Awareness Week. Many children walked to school or part of the journey. On Wednesday members of the Dunloy Cycling Club gave a very informative talk about bike safety and accompanied the Primary Sevens on a few laps around the hurling field. Again thank you to Declan, Denise and Margaret for their time.
On Wednesday 13th April during Road Safety Awareness Week all children from P1 to P7 walked a few laps of the hurling field which they thoroughly enjoyed.
World Book Day Quiz
We celebrated World Book Day by having a quiz for both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 on Thursday 10th March. The children thoroughly enjoyed it and showed a great knowledge and understanding of a wide variety of novels. Congratulations to the two winning teams!
We would like to thank Hannah and Emma from Kenndey's Chemist who gave a very interesting presentation to P6/7 about the dangers of smoking.
Social Networking sites have become a huge favourite with children allowing them to stay in touch with friends and share photos and videos. Helen Dixon facilitated a very productive workshop to our P6 and P7s which will help to make the children's experience online both safe and fun. Thank you Helen for taking the time to help the children be more aware of their Safety Online.
The Arty-Fact Theatre Company presented a drama production "A Christmas Story Box" for all the children on Monday 14th December. The children were thoroughly entertained and some even got the opportunity to take part.
Our Primary One Children
We welcome our new primary one pupils and hope that they will have a happy and successful time here in St. Josephs's.
GALLERY 2017/18
Welcome to our Photo Gallery, where you can get a flavour of school life in St. Joseph's. We hope you enjoy viewing our pupils engaging in a variety of wonderful and exciting activities.
P6 attended the STEM Big Bang Fair 2018 @ UUJ on Tuesday 26 June. An amazing day had by all. Thanks to Mr Stewart from Our Lady of Lourdes for organising the day for us!
Mrs McAuley Retires
We say a fond farewell to Mrs Ann McAuley and wish her every success in her new career.
AR Assembly
Congratulations to all our prize winners at our AR Assembly. Keep up with the reading boys and girls over the summer.
Shared Education Programme
Primary Four children enjoyed their Shared Education Programme with The Model Primary School, Ballymoney.
North Antrim Champions 2018
Congratulations Boys!
Congratulations to our boys who won the Cumann na mBunscol All-County Hurling Final against Mary Queen of Peace which took place in Glenravel on Friday 18th June. We would like to thank Vincent Boyle for refereeing.
Prize-Giving Thursday 14th June 2018
Key Stage Two
Primary Seven Athletics Team
Thursday 7th June 2018
These Primary Seven Children represented our school in an Indoor Athletics Competition which was sponsored by Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council in partnership with Our Lady of Lourdes.
Well done boys and girls!
Sport's Day 2018
The children having fun and games and enjoying the lovely weather.
Primary Seven Retreat Day
Bushmills Residential Trip 2018
Primary Seven Bun Sale for Trocaire
Primary 7 ran a bun sale on 23rd March in aid of Trocaire. They had fun setting up and baking a selection of buns in school the day before. However, on the day, they made a huge impression with the delicious array of buns and cakes they had made at home! All the classes enjoyed coming to visit the cake sale and more importantly eating the cakes! The fantastic amount of £282 was raised. A big thank you to everyone who baked or supported us in any way.
Easter Raffle
Congratulations to all the winners from our Easter Raffle. Thank you for your continued support and generosity for our Lenten Campaign.
Kennedy's Pharmacy
Emma and Rachel from Kennedy's Pharmacy visited St. Joseph's and gave Primary 5-7 a presentation on the Dangers of Smoking. The children were then invited to design a poster for a competition with Kennedy's vouchers as prizes. Congratulations to Paudie and Amy whose posters were selected as the winners and their posters are on display in the shop!
To celebrate the feast of St. Brigid Primary Six and Seven made St. Brigid's Crosses with the help of Vincent, Kathleen, Marie and Anne.
Schools' Programme- Cancer Focus Northern Ireland
Genevieve from Cancer Focus visited P1 and P2 children to deliver a very important message about healthy eating and physical activity. Genevieve encouraged her friends to get healthy in order to win the Farmyard Olympics. P3 children became 'Fit Factor Superheroes' while p4 children became 'Food Detectives' when investigating the content of processed foods detecting their fat, sugar and salt content.
Arthur Cottage
Our Primary Three Pupils experienced what life was like 200 years ago when they visited Arthur Cottage in Cullybackey.
Dooey's Cairn
Primary 6 and 7 visited Dooey's Cairn as part of their topic work. Mrs McAlonan was our tour guide for the morning and the pupils really enjoyed getting to learn lots of very interesting facts about the cairn. They worked in groups, investigating and measuring the different parts of the cairn.
Handball at Our Lady of Lourdes
Darragh Daly coaching Handball with the children at Our Lady of Lourdes's new Handball Wall. We would like to thank Miss Gillan and staff for organising the day.
Dixon's Housing Competition
Our Primary 6 and 7 children entered a competition to name a social housing development which is currently being built by Dixon Contractors and is situated on the Station Road in Dunloy. Their entries were shortlisted by Clanmil Development and the architects Studio Rogers and then submitted to Causeway Coast and Glens Council for selection and approval.
The council chose the name "Orra View Drive" which had been proposed by Caolan in P7 who was presented with an Apple ipad on behalf of Dixon Contractors by their Contractors Manager Ciaran Richmond. The five runners up were awarded with generous gift vouchers from Smyth's Toy Shop by Studio Rogers architects.
The development is due for completion in February 2018 and we hope that as Caolan drives past he will be very proud of his achievement.
Carol Service 20th December 2017 We held our annual Carol Service in St. Joseph's Church on Wednesday 20th December. The children from P1-P7 sang a beautiful selection of carols while the P5 children presented the Pageant. We have very talented solo singers and instrumentalists who played a variety of instruments. A big thank you to Mrs Donnelly for leading the choir and to you all for attending the event. |
Christmas Dinner
The children enjoying their Christmas Lunch. A big thank you to the kitchen staff who cooked a beautiful meal for all the children and staff.
We would like to thank the PTA for organising the School Fair which was not only a very effective fundraising event but also a fun, festive day where children, parents and staff collectively celebrated being part of the St. Joseph's community.We would like to thank you all for your continued support and generosity and to everyone involved in making the fair such a huge success. Thank you |
School Choir
Our School Choir performed a selection of Christmas Carols at the Senior Citizen Luncheon Club on Tuesday 5th December.
Nursery Christmas Shows 2017 Friday 1st December A great way to kick off the festive activities here in St. Joseph's as both the morning and afternoon groups presented their wonderful shows. Well done boys and girls! |
BELFAST CHRISTMAS MARKET Tuesday 21st November 2017 Our Primary Seven children were thrilled to get the opportunity to visit the Christmas Market and take part in an Educational Tour which was funded by Market Place Europe. The children got to meet the traders, learn about all the different cultures being represented at the market and to try a variety of tasty foods. As you can see from the photos they even paid a visit to the City Hall. We would like to thank Mark, their tour guide for the day, who made their trip extra special. |
13th-17th November
We've had a very busy week here in St. Joseph's during Anti-Bullying Week. We had a poster competition and two winners were chosen from each class. We had an odd socks day on Friday which tied in with this year's theme 'All Different, All Equal' where the children got the chance to express being unique. Each child in the school decorated a sock picture which will be used for a wall display. Primary Two class performed their assembly where they retold the story of 'The Little Red Hen' which teaches us about working hard and helping others.
Congratulations to Ellie who received a medal in recognition of achieving a high score during the Manga High Challenge which took place during Maths Week. Well done Ellie.
Friday 27th October 2017
Well done to everyone for making such an effort for our Halloween sponsored Parade which raised £1501 for school funds.
Mrs McClean's Class created Halloween Safety Posters which delivered very important safety messages while Mrs McGrath's Class wrote Halloween Acrostic Poems to ensure that everyone stayed safe during the Halloween Holidays.
Well done boys and girls!
Acrostic Poems Safety Posters
A number of children in P7 have independently put together a drama group. These children should be commended as they constructively used their lunch time to practise their drama which they presented to the school before Halloween. Well done boys and girls!
16th - 20th October
During Maths Week all children took part in a variety of fun practical maths activities while Key Stage 2 children were involved in the Manga High Challenge.
EUROPEAN FOOD WEEK (25th-29th September) European Language Day was on the 26th September and to celebrate this the canteen held a European Food Event where the children enjoyed tasting a variety of food from various European Countries including Italy, Spain, France, Germany and Ireland. |
RADAR On Wednesday 20th September our Primary Seven children thoroughly enjoyed their trip to radar in Belfast which is Northern Ireland's first fully interactive, safety and life skills education centre. Radar has been designed to engage an inform young people on how best to keep themselves safe. |
Friday 22nd September
A sea of green and yellow here today in St. Josephs in support of the club as the Camogie, Minor and Senior Hurling Teams prepare for a big weekend. Thank you to Charlie Brogan and the musicians who sang their hit song "We're the Team". The children joined in and the atmosphere was fantastic.
Thank you to Maura(a very familiar face) and Anne who visited our school today. They are volunteers with the NSPCC and they delivered a programme called "Speak Out, Stay Safe". This is an interactive programme and with the help of their mascot "Buddy" it taught the children how to stay safe in a friendly memorable way.
As part of their 'Growing and Changing' topic P1/2 have been hatching chicks. The children watched as 12 eggs were put into an incubator. The temperature was set at 37.5 degrees and the humidity to 45 percent. The eggs were programmed to rotate every hour. On day 6 the eggs were scanned with a candler and the children were very excited to see some small veins. They were scanned again on day 12 and movement could be seen through the shells. On day 19 the eggs stopped turning and the temperature was reduced, the humidity increased and the children waited patiently on the arrival of the chicks.
By this time news travelled throughout the school about our eggs and we had frequent visitors to our classroom. On day 22 our first chick hatched and P1/2 were delighted to experience their arrival. Over the next few days 4 more chicks hatched. A very exciting time in Mrs McCarry's class!
Chick Naming Ceremony
St. Patrick's Day
Green Raffle
Congratulations to the children who won prizes at the Green Raffle.
Thank you for your continued support for our Lenten Collections.
Primary One children went to Portglenone Forest on Monday 3rd April. They had a great morning which was enhanced by their guides Ann and Clare.
Primary Seven were involved in a full day retreat with Saint Brigid's Cloughmills, This was hosted by Living Youth and was based around our preparation for confirmation. We had a wonderful day of prayer, meditation, songs, games and then to finish off Fr. Blaney said a special mass in the chapel.
St. Joseph's Primary School is doing their bit to help keep Dunloy school and community tidy.
The P4 children have signed up to litter pick around the school grounds and and the P7 pupils are extending their help to litter pick around the GAA grounds.
They had a very successful day on Tuesday 7th March and one of their favourite 'picks' was an umbrella!!
We are also delighted to say that some of the P7 pupils dedicated their own time to create fantastic posters to ask you all to 'please stop dropping litter'.
These posters are going to be placed around the school and GAA grounds within the next week or so along with other posters created during class. Well done to all involved and let's hope that they won't have much litter to collect in the near future.
The P.7s had a great day at Stormont on Friday 27th January which was enhanced greatly by their guide James who hosted a debate about school uniforms. Watch out for the up and coming Politicians.
Monday 30th January
Primary One and two enjoyed a lovely evening and were thoroughly excited coming to school in their P.J.s.
A great night was had by all and we hope you enjoyed a great send off Dolores.
21st-25th November
The KS1 and KS2 children are out in force clearing the raised flower beds and pots while the Foundation children planted onions and prepared the window boxes for future planting.
Thank you to the girls who came from the Dairy Council to talk to the P.6 and P.7 children about the importance of a healthy diet and regular exercise.
We were very busy during Road Safety Awareness Week. Many children walked to school or part of the journey. On Wednesday members of the Dunloy Cycling Club gave a very informative talk about bike safety and accompanied the Primary Sevens on a few laps around the hurling field. Again thank you to Declan, Denise and Margaret for their time.
On Wednesday 13th April during Road Safety Awareness Week all children from P1 to P7 walked a few laps of the hurling field which they thoroughly enjoyed.
World Book Day Quiz
We celebrated World Book Day by having a quiz for both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 on Thursday 10th March. The children thoroughly enjoyed it and showed a great knowledge and understanding of a wide variety of novels. Congratulations to the two winning teams!
We would like to thank Hannah and Emma from Kenndey's Chemist who gave a very interesting presentation to P6/7 about the dangers of smoking.
Social Networking sites have become a huge favourite with children allowing them to stay in touch with friends and share photos and videos. Helen Dixon facilitated a very productive workshop to our P6 and P7s which will help to make the children's experience online both safe and fun. Thank you Helen for taking the time to help the children be more aware of their Safety Online.
The Arty-Fact Theatre Company presented a drama production "A Christmas Story Box" for all the children on Monday 14th December. The children were thoroughly entertained and some even got the opportunity to take part.
Our Primary One Children
We welcome our new primary one pupils and hope that they will have a happy and successful time here in St. Josephs's.