We say a fond farewell to our Year 7 Pupils and wish them every success in their new schools. Good luck boys and girls!
15TH June 2017
Another very busy year here in St. Josephs as you can see from the many prizes that were presented to the children in recognition of success in various areas of the curriculum including the sporting field, excellence in reading, maths, endeavour awards and for showing good manners throughout the school year.
A great day was had by all. Well done to everyone for taking part
As part of their 'Growing and Changing' topic P1/2 have been hatching chicks. The children watched as 12 eggs were put into an incubator. The temperature was set at 37.5 degrees and the humidity to 45 percent. The eggs were programmed to rotate every hour. On day 6 the eggs were scanned with a candler and the children were very excited to see some small veins. They were scanned again on day 12 and movement could be seen through the shells. On day 19 the eggs stopped turning and the temperature was reduced, the humidity increased and the children waited patiently on the arrival of the chicks.
By this time news travelled throughout the school about our eggs and we had frequent visitors to our classroom. On day 22 our first chick hatched and P1/2 were delighted to experience their arrival. Over the next few days 4 more chicks hatched. A very exciting time in Mrs McCarry's class!
Sustrans Active School Travel Programme
We welcomed Johnny McCrystal to our school today as he gave a talk on the importance of being active. He raised awareness of safe travel to school during the darker days and promoted our "DITCH THE DARK DAY" which takes place on Friday 25th November. See letter for more details.
On behalf of all the staff, pupils and the Board of Governors we would like to wish Geraldine a very happy and healthy retirement. Geraldine is pictured below with Fr Blayney and Mary Doherty receiving flowers at our End of Year Mass. On Wednesday 28th June the whole school came together to say goodbye to Geraldine who has been our school secretary for twenty two years. Mrs Davidson came out of retirement to read a poem summing up all the many roles that Geraldine covered. Mrs McCann and her Class performed a dance to Pharrell William's song 'Happy'. Geraldine's grandchildren presented her with a bouquet of flowers.
Geraldine we will all miss you!
PTA FUN DAY (27th June)
We would like to thank our dedicated team in the PTA for arranging the fun day and providing bouncy castles and ice-cream for everyone. The children had an action packed day. The older children got the opportunity to cycle around the pitch while the younger children walked around it. In the playground anything went from two wheels to four wheels. Sustrans would have been proud. Thank you to all the adults for escorting the children safely to and from school.
St Joseph's Dunloy hosts visitors from Gwyrosydd Primary School in Swansea
Mr. Jonathan Atter, principal of Gwyrosydd Primary School in Swansea, Wales, along with staff members Liz Jenkins and Claire Matthews, receives a gift of a hurling stick and ball from Mr. McGuckian to mark the occasion of their visit. They brought with them a Welsh mascot for the school, Dewi the dragon. The visit was coordinated by Mrs.Davidson. They came to see the good practice in place in St Joseph's curriculum, in order to better advise the Welsh government about the shape of the new curriculum for Wales.
Year Five and Six
Monday 19th June 2017
Year Five and Six had an enjoyable morning at Water World followed by fun on the East Strand at Portrush.
Sixteen Primary Six children were fortunate to take part in the 'National Standard Cycle Training' which took place on 6th-8th March. The children had the advantage of a bike check prior to the event to ensure that their bikes were road worthy. Thank you to everyone from the Sustrans team.
Easter Raffle
Well done to all the children who won an egg at our Easter Raffle. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your generosity and continued support during our Lenten Campaign.
25th January 2017
A big thank you to Kathleen, Anne, Vincent and Marie for giving up their time to make St. Brigid's Crosses with Primary Six and Seven.
See here for more photos!
Shoe Box Appeal
Primary Seven children pictured with some of the shoe boxes before collection on Monday 20th November. Thank you for your continued support for this very worthy cause.